How to build a balanced Corporate Bond portfolio


  • Find the balance that works for you
  • Diversify your portfolio
  • Generate a reliable income
  • $50,000 minimum investment

Get your copy of our “How to build a balanced Corporate Bond Portfolio”

Reliable income


Diversification through a wide range of investment grade Australian fixed interest securities

6% pa* Returns

Defined and regular

income payments

Portfolio Diversification

High quality bond issuers

such as Commonwealth Bank and Woolworths through to high growth companies such as Zip and Omni Bridgeway

Over 400 bonds available

Access to our research,

investment strategy and portfolio construction expertise

Craft a personalised portfolio tailored to your needs from a diverse selection of Australia's top companies.

Through FIIG’s DirectBonds Service, starting with a minimum of $50,000 you can get access to over 600 well-known Australian companies, providing you with consistent and reliable income payments and capital stability.

5.75% p.a.^

Conservative Portfolio

This portfolio has 10 securities with weightings between 8.95% and 10.64%, yielding 5.75% pa*. It is designed for investors wanting a 100% allocation of investment grade bonds. The returns shown are based on ~$470,000 investment. $50,000 is the minimum amount that can be invested with FIIG.

6.74% p.a.^

Balanced Portfolio

This portfolio has 16 securities with weightings between 3.23% and 10.35%, yielding 6.74% pa*. It is designed for investors wanting higher yield than a solely investment grade portfolio by taking measured credit risk. The returns shown are based on ~$605,000 investment. $50,000 is the minimum amount that can be invested with FIIG.

8.11% p.a.^

High Yield

This portfolio has 17 securities with weightings between 3.99% and 9.96%, yielding 8.11% pa*. It is designed for investors seeking a higher return and who are comfortable with a corresponding increase in credit risk. The returns shown are based on a ~$508,000 investment. $50,000 is the minimum amount that can be invested with FIIG.

^Pricing as of 4 November 2024. Subject to change.

It’s a smart way to diversify

Experienced investors appreciate the need to diversify their portfolio, but it isn’t enough to just add Corporate Bonds to the mix - you still need to diversify within your Corporate Bond portfolio - and this diversification needs to be in line with your appetite for risk and return.

With bonds available from companies in industries as varied as banking, construction, infrastructure, insurance, transport, airlines, retailing and more, it’s easy to ensure diversification for reduced capital risk.

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How to Build a Balanced Portfolio

Bonds are a great way to generate a reliable cash flow

When investing funds generated from years of hard work, many investors look for options that give them strong capital protection, while also generating a reliable, healthy income.

But deposit accounts barely keep up with inflation and shares can experience a capital wipe-out in just days. That’s why more and more smart investors are looking to Corporate Bonds.

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Earn a better return

Australian bonds have proven to deliver better returns than cash or international shares over the last 20 years. If you’re looking for strong returns, bonds are a great way to achieve your aims.

Corporate Bonds generally pay a higher income return than cash and term deposits.

Source: Gross returns for 20 years to 30 June 2020. Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd

Access your funds at any time

Just like buying shares, you can trade your bonds if your situation or investment strategy changes. This can be done in parcels of $10,000 – allowing you flexibility without needing to trade everything (subject to availability)

Talk with a FIIG expert

Invest in Bonds with the Australian leader in fixed income

At FIIG, our clients are at the centre of what we do. For over 25 years we have put our clients first by providing fixed income expertise, direct access to a wide range of fixed income products, control and transparency through industry best practice custody and reporting services. Our staff are experts, with extensive experience working in fixed income markets in Australia and overseas. We have a vast range of best-in-class educational material to assist clients as well as a dedicated team of research and strategy professionals on hand.

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bonds available


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Get in touch with our expert team about your wealth goals today

Our friendly and professional team is happy to show you how you can take advantage of investment-grade, government, and corporate bonds to generate income throughout the year and protect your capital.
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